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Friday, April 19, 2013

Congratulations 2012 Champions!!!

2012 Champions
Novice Division
Champion: Isabella Tuccio
Reserve Champion: Brooklyn Bere
Novice Intermediate Division
Champion: Holly Ord
Reserve Champion: Brock Bundy
Intermediate Division
Champion: Lauren Easthope
Reserve Champion: Quinn Parsons
Intermediate Advanced Division 
Champion: Sara Larkin
Reserve Champion: Steph Anglin and Katie Wilson
Advanced Division
Champion: Marilot Dinklo
Reserve Champion: Zoe Parsons

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Education Nights

Sunnybrook Education Nights

Taught by Erika Belanger

Feb 15, 2013 - $35

                During this session we will be learning not only how to do a basic groom but how to make your horse gleam from nose to tail.  This will include mane pulling, bridle paths, tail trimming and more!  We will also discover different grooming tools and what they are for.  Learn why we groom our horses and its importance.  This session is not just for new riders; there will be something for everyone.

March 8, 2013 – $35

                The tack session will go further than the typical tack you use on a daily basis.  We will be discussing different pieces of tack and their uses as well as how to fit tack to your horse.  Think you know tack?  Come find out more about the almost endless amount of equipment.

April 26, 2013 – $65

                This session is intended for those interested in getting their Rider Level 5.  Lunging is an important skill for all horse people.  This session has a limited number of spots due to the hands on portion of this topic, so sign up quick!  Prerequisite – Rider level 4

First Aid & Wrapping
May 3, 2013 – $35

                We will discuss the difference between and healthy and unhealthy horse.  We will learn about different types of wounds a horse may get and how to care for them.  We will also talk about different types of bandages used in first aid as well as other types and their uses.